
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Throwed rolls

Today was the last "official" cross-country trip stop before going on to New Mexico.  We stopped in Springfield, Missouri for a couple of days to see a friend of Karl's and to visit Branson again.  We had been here in '09 after my son got married and did a lot of shows in Branson - 16 in 7 days!  We weren't really excited to see anything this time, but his friends had to take us to see one show.  It was a variety show featuring six brothers that sing accapella including all the instruments.  They are from a family of 10 - count 'em - 10 boys!  No girls.  What was so inspiring is that their mom was told by the doctor that she would never bear children.  Unfortunately she passed away in 1992 from cancer.  It was a very good show and one you should see if you ever get to Missouri.  The show is called "Six".  Check it out.

While we were parked in Springfield we had to stop for dinner at our favorite restaurant called Lambert's - home of the throwed rolls.  What does that mean?  Well, as you sit eating the wait staff roams the place doling out fried okra (yuck!), mac and tomatoes, fried potatoes, sorghum and rolls.  Sounds tame, right?  Well, when the rolls are removed from the oven and nice and warm the staff comes out and THROWS the rolls at you!.  And I don't mean toss, but thrown!  They are nice, big yeasty rolls that are fantastic!  Unfortunately they have restaurants only in Missouri.

Tomorrow we go to another friend of Karl's (notice a pattern here?) and will stay at their place for the night.  Nothing is scheduled for visitation and we hope to take it easy for the rest of the trip.  It's been a fun journey and we have had a great time, but I am ready to get back to my "stick" house for a while, just to stay in one place longer that two days.  We plan on being home for a week then move the MH to Arizona before moving on to the CA house for the holidays.

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