
Sunday, October 31, 2010

My home on the range

As I sit here and daydream at "my mountain" (it's really Sandia Peak that sits outside our backyard) I feel very tired but content. 

We arrived back in New Mexico the day before Halloween and started the process of unloading the motorhome and getting it ready for it's next journey to AZ for the winter.  But with this cross-country trip I was able to cross off one item on my bucket list.  I've always wanted to see Canada and go as far as I could.  Making it to the Maritimes and being in Atlantic time was quite a kick.  I've lived on Eastern timr for the first 18 years of my life then switched to Pacific for the remainer, but never have I ever been an extra hour away from Eastern.  Would I do it again?  Not the whole trip, but definitely go to the two provinces we missed which was Newfoundland and Labrador.  If Nova Scotia was any indication of what those two looked like that is a wonderful place to see.  We did have a friend that lived "on the rock" as he called Labrador, but he has since moved back to British Columbia.  Next on my bucket list is to visit Austrailia which we will be doing next April.

When Karl and I first got together I never realized how much I would be traveling, but after a while I realzed that if I didn't do it now while I was able, I would never do it as I got older.  The older you get the slower you get and I didn't want to miss things that I wouldn't be able to do as I got older. 

So here is a little advice that I have gleaned from my life so far: redo your priorities - housework can wait but kids and spouses can't - you may never know when they will be gone from you, when you retire don't retire to the couch and languish - get out and find a hobby to do - it will keep you young, don't wait until you have "time" - time will leave before you know it and you can't get it back.

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