
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Canada 9

Today is a travel day as we move from Nipissing to Ottawa so I think, after what I have observed, I will get on my soapbox.

Now I'm a person with, I hope, a hot of common sense.  I know what to do and how to do it that, to another person, would seem logical.  Today I have determined that road engineers have absolutely NO common sense.  None, nada, zilch, zip, zero.

In the US we have stimulus money flowing though the system.  In Canada they have revitalization money that was to be used by, I think they said, December of this year.  Because of rain and bad weather they've had they are trying to get the Prime Minister to extend the deadline.  So far he hasn't agreed.

Now, in Eastern Ontario the roads could compete with CA in being the worst roads ever.  They punished the MH pretty badly when things were shaken out of their normal places.  Think of going up I-80 to Truckee in a school bus in the back seat.  That's how they were.  As we are rocking and rolling on these horrible roads we come upon a long stretch of very smooth, rut-free sections that go for about 10-15 miles.  Then - BAM - road construction!  And here they are REPAVING AN ABSOLUTE PERFECTLY GOOD ROAD!  Yet not 5 miles back is a road that will knock your alignment out in a heartbeat.  Now, here's my question - why are they paving a road that doesn't need it in the least when they should be paving roads that need it in the worse way?

Like I said, road engineers have no common sense.

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