
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Canada 7

We are now into the large province of Ontario and we are starting to see the trees changing.  Not a whole lot yet, but it won't be long before they all have their fall colors on.  This is really the only time I miss on the East Coast, especially in New England.  There is NOTHING like a New England autumn.  Karl is checking the Vermont Fall Color Watch website and they are stating that the colors are starting early this year due to the temps and water.  So we may have to drop down into Vermont before we continue into Quebec.  That will be the closest to the state.

Now, after saying that, I wish I was here in Summer to visit Fort William.  Not so much on the West Coast, but especially in the East, they have living history museums.  We stopped at one in Thunder Bay that I wish I was here earlier.  Fort William was a fur trading headquarters for the North West company - competition to the Hudson Bay Company.  It is a recreation of the original fort that was built farther up the Ottawa River.  During the summer months they have actors living at the fort to give the visitors an idea of what life was like back in 1815 during the heydays of fur trading.  They even have a fur store house that holds real furs!  This is one of the largest and best recreated fort because they have all the buildings that were in the original fort.  And all are working buildings.  But since it was off-season only a few people were still there and they were the tour guides.

I had to include a road sign that I thought was rather funny.  You need to remember what a "Beware of deer" sign looks like - a graceful antlered deer trying to jump up or over the car, right?  Take a look at the moose sign they post.  Notice anything?  Look at how the moose is poised.  Gracefully jumping?  No way!  That sucker is poised to ram the car full on!

Today was a travel only day and we ended up in Wawa, Ontario for the night.  No, really I'm serious.  The town is called Wawa - look it up.  Stop laughing!

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