I know that the above title will get me in a lot of trouble, BUT my contention is that anyone who loves the rain (constantly) is nuts. And if you live in the northwest you know that you are going to get rain - A LOT. The reason I am ranting is that we arrived at the farm on Tues and it's been raining ever since. Now I don't mind a little rain, but three days worth is a little much. Of course residents here call it liquid sunshine. Right. So do the Hawaiians, but their liquid sunshine lasts maybe an hour and then there really is sunshine after! Here it just stays gray and then more "liquid sunshine" starts. Karl's aunt knows I hate the weather up here and she feels really bad that it's so lousy right now. In fact I won't come up here in spring or autumn because of the weather. But the weatherman says that it will become sunny tomorrow (I don't know if I trust them anymore). So off my soggy, wet soapbox for now.
Like I said, we arrived on Tues and parked the MH at the farm until the beginning of September. During this time our main goal is to try and sell the farm and all the "stuff" that has been accumulating in the house for over 40 years. We were able to give a lot of things away to family that his aunt wanted to make sure stayed in the family. But do you know how much stuff is in a 40 year old house that was occupied by a depression-era baby? Believe me, it is stacked. When we first started cleaning out (about a year ago) in the kitchen closet I found bags and bags full of bags and bags. She never threw anything out. You know the saying, "I may be able to use that sometime." Needless to say we have been throwing a lot of stuff out. Now it's down to trying and selling things that are sellable.
His aunt is very happy in her assisted living apartment and has no qualms about selling the farm. Karl can't wait until it's gone because he's been working on it for about 25+ years and he is tired of it. So soon we can come up here and just enjoy visiting his aunt instead of working. That won't break my heart!
Now I know where your son gets his aversion to the northwest!! ...oh, how I wish we could move to Eugene someday. Alas, being hot and dry is better than having a whiny husband. Good luck!!